Monday, October 11, 2010

Tatuajes para mujeres

Siempre solemos decir que no hay tatuajes para hombres o para mujeres, ya que si bien hay algunos tatuajes femeninos, se los suele ver tatuados en hombres también, en gran parte debido a que el mundo se ha convertido en un lugar mucho mas unisex en donde las diferentes culturas interactúan entre si sin demasiados problemas.

Aún así, las mujeres suelen encontrar varios tipos de tatuajes que sienten mas representativos, ya sea por sus significados de feminidad, delicadeza, suavidad o simplemente porque se las asocia con su personalidad, como por ejemplo los tatuajes de flores, los tatuajes de estrellas, los tatuajes de corazones, ángeles, hadas o inclusive tatuajes de frases.

La mayoría de estos tatuajes suelen tatuarse en zonas delicadas como las muñecas o la ingle, y también suelen ser tatuajes pequeños, para potencias mas sus significados de delicadeza, aunque también se los puede encontrar en las piernas o en toda la espalda, dependiendo en mayor parte de los diseños de tatuajes.

Tatuajes de Halloween

Ya falta poco para Halloween, una celebración en la que millones salen por las noches en busca de dulces y diversión, pero mas allá de los dulces, el 31 de octubre de celebra la noche de brujas, un día en el que el terror se hace presente con disfraces, decoración, historias de terror, casa embrujadas y demás, por lo que es un día muy esperado por muchos, y desde luego, también se encuentra dentro del mundo de los tatuajes.

Los tatuajes de Halloween son muy variados y existen miles de diseños de tatuajes de terror que pueden ser utilizados, aunque los mas característicos suelen ser los tatuajes de calabazas, calaveras, murciélagos, gatos negros, calderos y desde luego, brujas.

Como todas las festividades, los tatuajes que las representan suelen significar el fanatismo y gusto por esa fecha en particular, ya sea por recuerdos de la infancia o por las experiencias vividas, aunque en el caso de Halloween, también hay que tener en cuenta que va muy asociado con la cultura gótica del terror y los tatuajes oscuros.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tattoo Designs - Kanji Symbols and What They Mean

Japanese Kanji symbols are very popular as tattoos as they are unique and they can convey a very personal and meaningful message in an artistic and exotic way.

Complex language

Kanji is one of three different types of alphabet character symbols used in a complex system of writing. The other two are Hiragana and Katakana. All three are used in different ways. Kanji conveys ideas in picture form, which may not always convey the exact meaning. Hiragana is sometimes used with the Kanji to modify or clarify the meaning.

Hiragana is used more for everyday use while Katakana is used mainly when dealing with foreign names.

The Japanese language contains literally thousands of characters. These were adopted from the Chinese, which have anywhere between 50,000 and 100,000 characters. Scholars disagree on the number but, as you can see, it is a lot. In everyday use in Japan there are around 2000 - 3000 characters.

Multiple meanings
One of the major pitfalls in choosing a Kanji tattoo is the actual meaning of the symbol. The meaning can depend on the context and can have up to ten different meanings. It is essential to do some research before having a permanent symbol on your body. Make sure you get an accurate translation or, better still, use an artist who understands Japanese. Some artists are reluctant to do Kanji because they are not sure of the meanings.

There can be good reasons for getting a Kanji tattoo - with one symbol you can express a thought or an idea or a philosophy and you can do it in an artistic and different way. However, Kanji is limited, as its symbol will express a simple picture or expression. It does not lend itself to more involved quotes or phrases. One of the other scripts may have to be used with Kanji to express your words. This is where an artist's knowledge of Japanese can become important.

Artistic expression

Japanese calligraphy is an art form. In fact, one artist believes the meaning of the symbol is unimportant as it is more about the look and flow of the script - more about the artistic expression. This would not suit everyone, as most people like to use a tattoo to convey a message to themselves or others. However, for those who do want to express themselves artistically, the opportunity is there.

Kanji tattoos can be attractive, artistic and meaningful, but they can be a trap for the unwary. Do your homework and make sure your tattoo means what you want it to mean.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Behind the Phrases - Tattoo Fonts

Behind the Phrases - Tattoo Fonts

Whether by themselves or as element of a larger image, words are favorite tattoos. Words and phrases can literally say anything-from names to bits of lyrics, whole poems or sayings in foreign languages, word tattoos by no means loose their meanings even as periods alter. Nevertheless, when deciding on a tattoo, finding the appropriate quote is only the first step with the procedure. In reality, often, know what to say is nothing compared to determining how to say it.

Tattoo fonts are as essential if not far more critical compared to actual phrases that comprise the tattoo. A tattoo is really a visual art, and since the words and phrases are not going to be read aloud, how they appear can sometimes say a great deal far more than the terms themselves. For that cause, determining which tattoo fonts to use for a word tattoo can be a nerve-wracking expertise, but if your suitable match is found, the result is tattoo perfection.

Tattoo fonts are critical for numerous reasons. When a tattoo is only text, the font makes the art-the font gives the words and phrases character and deeper meaning, and particularly once the tattoo is in a foreign language, specifically an ancient language, it assists bring to life the culture. A Gaelic tattoo not written in some kind of script would not have the impact a Gaelic tattoo written in cursive or flowery fonts would.

Tattoo fonts give words existence, a visual meaning-they transform words and phrases into art. On another hand, the tattoo fonts utilized ought to still be legible. Often people get as well carried away with all the visual impression of their tattoos, rendering the actual phrases within the tattoo unreadable. Word tattoos particularly can't be too little, specifically when the font used is just a little much more intricate.

Also, occasionally text are only a part with the larger picture. Maybe they're inscribed on a banner, or encircle an image. In this situation, the tattoo fonts chosen must reflect the attitude in the picture. Otherwise, the tattoo will seem disjointed. Tattoo fonts must look like they belong from the image-they must not stick out.

For instance, when the tattoo is subtle or innocent, the font utilized ought to not be bold or angry. It should flow in cursive or script. On one other hand, when the tattoo depicts the grim reaper or some other sort of angry icon, than the font can be just a little harsher. In this case, cursive tattoo fonts would entirely ruin the mood of the tattoo.